Mike Renfro Sr
Dir Ad Sales Seeking Alpha: have many publishers have actually moved to 100%
There are multiple comScore 100
publishers offering guaranteed InView. Ad servers and platforms are also
getting into the mix, with Pubmatic offering publishers InView capability and
Zedo providing buyers with its InView Slider controls.
Jonathan Fibbon
Owner Armslist: Is there a way to become an early adopter of this viewable
standard and take advantage of my site's "premium inventory" ?
Absolutely. The best way to
start is to conduct a comScore Digital Analytix (DAx) Monetization diagnostic
on your inventory, and understand which placements are the best candidates for
removal, and which are the most likely to sustain a move from “remnant” to
“premium” status vis a vis viewability. Then, use DAx Monetization to optimize
inventory on an ongoing basis.
Jim Schrand Dir
of Data Strategy: If it's pay for performance, then it would seem that
viewability is somewhat irrelevant. Viewability is not a performance
On the contrary, one of the
biggest challenges we see is the inappropriate attribution of conversions and
other performance indicators to sites or placements that are unviewable. Get
rid of unviewable impressions, and performance attribution becomes
exponentially more accurate, ensuring proper allocation of performance dollars
to publishers who invest in content and placement.
Sara La, Sr Ad
Coordinator HC Pro: Can you talk about auditing procedures? When advertisers start
asking whether a publisher is compliant with Viewable Impressions, how will a
publisher know they are compliant other than being honest?
Advertisers and publishers can
use validation services such as comScore vCE and DAx Monetization
(respectively) to create trusted third party data which can be used to optimize
campaigns to InView as appropriate.
Celia Wu Sr Dir
Sales NBC: We launched "ServeView" on our site about two years ago,
where an impression is only counted when it appears in the users' browsers
window. A great example of a publisher leveraging its tech team; and some
industry PR wins. However, it hasn't equated to actual lift in
eCPM. The only place where we have actually seen eCPM lift is in fact
with performance advertisers. Question: how does a publisher use
technology like ServeView to gain a higher premium on inventory, versus just
satisfying "in view" standards? Is the click still the best
The performance ad eCPM lift is
not surprising – we would expect this given the impact of InView on efficiency
and accuracy of attribution. Regarding using ServeView to increase premiums,
have you tried selling guaranteed viewable impressions packages? The click
correlates poorly to performance lift as opposed to InView and Engagement metrics…
Kari Bretschger
Presz and CEO IMW Communications: Why would there be a market for a
non-viewable ad? It would be a tough sell...Why would publishers offer it?
Great question! It’s very hard
to come up with a single good reason for anyone to buy or sell an unviewable
ad. There are a lot of bad reasons, however, which is the challenge the
industry needs to step up and solve.