Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Year In Viewable Impressions: A Trade Press Retrospective

If 2012 wasn't the year of the viewable impression, it was certainly the year of the article about the viewable impression. And coverage is, unsurprisingly, heating up while adoption spikes as we approach Q1 2013.

I have been curating a list of these pieces from across the digital advertising trade press over the course of the past year, and I thought the aggregate content might be useful for those looking to research the viewable impression and the many opportunities and concerns raised by various industry players, including publishers, agencies, brands, vendors, and analysts. Enjoy, and please feel free to add your own/anything I have missed.

Date: December 3, 2012

Author: Jeremy Stanley, CTO, Collective

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “[Advertisers] should be measuring viewability today, with the best technology vendor they can identify, and intelligently using that data to improve their return on advertising spend.”


Date: November 30, 2012

Author: Jeremy Stanley, CTO, Collective

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “No other measurement approach can claim such a simple and irrefutable link to advertising value creation.”


Date: November 30, 2012

Author: Josh Sternberg

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “Most likely, you’ll find 100 percent agreement that ad viewability is an important and necessary advance in measurement and reporting.”


Date: November 29, 2012

Author: Ari Paparo

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “Moving ahead with a currency too quickly will be a huge setback to display and will reinforce the perception that it is hard to measure and subject to technology for its own sake.”


Date: November 28, 2012

Author: Mitchell Weinstein

Publication: UM Blog

One-liner: “Once advertisers realize they are getting better quality, they will be more likely to shift larger and larger budgets to Digital.”


Date: November 28, 2012

Author: Sherrill Mane, SVP, Research, Analytics, and Measurement, IAB

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “A distinction has to be drawn between verifying and ascertaining that a measurement vendor has a methodology and product that can produce a given metric.”

Date: November 28, 2012


Author: Anne Hunter, SVP Advertising Effectiveness, comScore

Publication: comScore Blog

One-liner: “Choosing an accredited vendor who can measure cross-domain iframes and provide fully transparent accounting of measurability is the key to moving forward with viewable impressions.”


Date: November 26, 2012

Author: Bob Liodice, President/CEO, ANA

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “One of the most important developments was the creation of the new standard, the "viewable impression." This will replace the archaic "served impression," a source of grossly misleading and overstated metrics.”


Date: November 21, 2012

Author: Cella Irvine

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “What we need to turn our attention to is how to get great content and ads surfaced and seen. It's time to address the true issue: viewability.”


Date: November 21, 2012

Author: David Kaplan

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “This is essential in moving beyond online as a great direct response medium to one that encompasses more branding campaigns.”


Date: November 20, 2012

Author: Jessica Sanfilippo, Group Media Director, 360i

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “What’s the value in an ad that no one ever sees?”


Date: November 19, 2012

Author: Philipp Pieper, CEO, Proximic

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “A viewable impression in a cluttered environment is unlikely ever to be noticed.”


Date: November 19, 2012

Author: NA

Publication: 4A’s News

One-liner: “significant progress has been made particularly in the area of shifting digital measurement from a "served" to "viewable" impression standard.”


Date: November 5, 2012

Author: Judy Shapiro, Chief Brand Strategist, CloudLinux

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “It's time to put the human equation back into the media equation. After all, "impressions don't buy -- real people do."


Date: October 24, 2012

Author: David Kaplan

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “Ad Verification solutions have become embedded in today’s media process.”


Date: October 18, 2012

Author: Andrew Pancer, COO, Media6Degrees

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “I’m pro-viewability (it’s hard to not be!) but there are issues with establishing it as a new metric.”


Date: October 18, 2012

Author: Phillip Pieper, CEO, Proximic

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “Viewability is a step in the right direction, but it is not the silver-bullet metric that some hope it to be.”


Date: October 16, 2012

Author: Zach Rodgers

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “Even if an advertiser is paying only for in-view impressions, those [unviewable] junk ad placements can continue to fire view-through cookies, earning credit for the ad in post-conversion attribution.”


Date: October 12, 2012

Author: Josh Sternberg

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “’Before the redesign, we had more ads, but they were both smaller ads and not all guaranteed to be viewable (and, thus, they were devalued),’ said Gannett chief digital officer David Payne.”


Date: October 10, 2012

Author: Peter Davies, SVP Sales & Marketing, Adconion Direct

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “RTB has enabled some people to deploy new tactics that artificially make a campaign look like it is performing, when in fact they are deliberately bidding on impressions that have zero impact.”

Date: October 5, 2012

Author: Stuart Byrne, UK Head of Digital, Ebiquity

Publication: ExchangeWire

One-liner: “To see or not to see, that is the questions.”

Date: October 4, 2012

Author: Christopher Hansen, President, NetMining

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “Luckily, a growing focus on viewability may bring about the change this industry needs, with publishers themselves making a concerted effort to improve their ads.”


Date: October 3, 2012

Author: Giselle Abramovich

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “The digital media world is about to change profoundly.”


Date: October 1, 2012

Author: Joe Mandese

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “At a time when the ad industry is lobbying publishers to disclose the “viewability” of their ads, publishers seem to be going in the opposite direction and making the process more opaque and less transparent…”


Date: September 27, 2012

Author: Peter Naylor, Executive Vice President, Digital Media Sales, NBCUniversal, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, IAB.

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “Web publishers are at a critical juncture regarding the $10-billion display market. We need to prepare for and embrace viewable impressions as a new currency for measurement.”


Date: September 27, 2012

Author: Brian White, SVP Publisher Solutions, Vibrant Media

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “You will get renewals and win over the long haul by running viewable ads with which people want to engage.”


Date: September 20, 2012

Author: Tom Shields, CSO, Yieldex

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “I’m not against viewable impressions. That’s like being against vegetables – they’re probably good for you.”


Date: September 13, 2012

Author: Diaz Nesamoney, CEO, Jivox

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “I believe measuring viewable impressions will result in better targeting and less clutter for users. The effectiveness of an ad and giving consumers what they want is what matters most, after all.”


Date: August 23, 2012

Author: Tessa Wegert

Publication: ClickZ

One-liner: “We all understand that due to page placement, load times, and other unknown factors that compromise display ad visibility, an ad served is not necessarily an ad viewed. Viewable impressions would address these concerns.”


Date: August 16, 2012

Author: Gavin O’Malley

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “As measurement technologies have improved, so has demand for -- and questions surrounding -- viewable impressions.”


Date: August 15, 2012

Author: Tim Peterson

Publication: Adweek

One-liner: “People are ultimately going to say, 'if I am going to be judged on the basis of a viewed impression, I want to make sure that I am being judged on something fair and objective.'”


Date: July 25, 2012

Author: Giselle Abramovich

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “Industry-wide implementation of viewable impressions is expected in first quarter of 2013.”


Date: July 25, 2012

Author: Ari Brandt

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “With a glut of premium and remnant ad inventory running through exchanges where some of the placements aren’t even in view, isn’t it time we take action?”


Date: July 25, 2012

Author: Kate Kaye

Publication: ClickZ

One-liner: “The largest online ad industry trade group is pushing for new ad metrics to become standardized by the first quarter of 2013.”


Date: July 24, 2012

Author: Mark Hughes, CEO, C3 Metrics

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “As an industry, we won’t see a win until we seal the blind side, solving viewability in both JavaScript and iFrame.”


Date: July 17, 2012

Author: Joe Mandese

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “Steps include the shift from an ad impression served model to one of “viewable impressions” -- a standard in which at least 50% of an ad is viewable to a consumer for at least one second, the transition to an “e-GRP” for cross-platform measurement.”


Date: July 11, 2012

Author: Clive Page


One-liner: “There will now commence the battle for the ownership of the viewable ad metric high ground.”


Date: June 21, 2012

Authors: Jason Krebs, CMO, Tremor Video and Amy Auerbach, Senior Partner/Media Planning Director, MediaCom

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “I’m not sure if viewable impressions are the answer, but premium publishers still need to continue questioning how they can do business in the digital future. And that future won’t be the same if all we are doing is firing blanks.”


Date: June 1, 2012

Author: Joshua Koran, VP Digital Product Management, Research and Data, AT&T AdWorks

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “While transparency always helps reduce market inefficiencies (and exposing the ad location helps buyers better evaluate and sellers better differentiate their inventory), this still doesn’t provide direct marketers metrics of success...”


Date: May 25, 2012

Author: Steve Smith

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “After a decade and a half of Web advertising, -- and in retrospect -- it seems downright daft that the problem of viewable impressions was not front and center long ago.”


Date: May 18, 2012

Authors: Mike Donahue, EVP, Strategic Partnerships, 4A’s; Duke Fanelli, CMO, ANA; Sherrill Mane, SVP, Research, Analytics, and Measurement, IAB

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “Once in the hands of MRC, the data will be analyzed, aggregated and anonymized so that we all can learn more about the implications of moving to a viewable impression standard -- and, very importantly, we can prepare the businesses for change.”


Date: May 8, 2012

Author: Joanna O’Connell, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “Ad impressions will drop by 50% or more. CPM’s will increase commensurately. ComScore 500 publishers will finally get the respect they deserve and recapture market share from their junky ad network rivals.”


Date: May 2, 2012

Author: Jack Loechner, Center for Media Research

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “According to a new study from comScore and Pretarget, ad viewability and hover time are more strongly correlated with conversions (defined as purchases and requests for information) than clicks or total impressions.”


Date: April 24, 2012

Author: Gavin O’Malley

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “Continuing to lose face among marketers, new research shows that clicks and total impressions are far from the best way to measure online conversions.”


Date: April 19, 2012

Author: Mark Hughes, CEO, C3 Metrics

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “As we speak, the IAB, ANA, and 4A’s are deliberating on a standard ad metric that could change the very nature of how digital advertising is bought, sold and measured.”


Date: April 19, 2012

Author: Ari Rosenberg

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “As I began to splatter my thoughts on the page, it occurred to me how absurd it is for anyone to oppose this move of ensuring ads bought and sold online are actually seen -- and the reality that many will fight it.”


Date: April 17, 2012

Author: Mark Walsh

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “Say Media is among the latest online publishers to adopt a “viewable” impressions standard for display ad campaigns.”


Date: April 9, 2012

Author: Kathryn Koegel

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “"The adoption of viewable impressions will ... give the media community comfort and security for brand advertisers to move forward."


Date: March 29, 2012

Author: Tom Shields, CSO, Yieldex

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “I think that trying to move the industry to “viewable impressions” is a bad idea, for three reasons: it won’t make any difference to marketing ROI, it doesn’t help bring dollars online, and it will be expensive and confusing to adopt.”


Date: March 28, 2012

Author: Cory Treffiletti, SVP Marketing, BlueKai

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “Of course, we could just piddle around on this issue for a couple of years, and have “committees” and “initiatives” put in place to deal with it.”


Date: March 26, 2012

Author: Mark Walsh

Publication: MediaPost

One-liner: “The report found little to no correlation between CPM and value being delivered to the advertiser.”


Date: February 28, 2012

Author: Tim Peterson

Publication: Adweek

One-liner: “For viewable impressions to become a new standard, Casale said, publishers need to agree to cut their available inventory. That will be a tough sell.”


Date: January 27, 2012

Author: Mark Hughes, CEO, C3 Metrics

Publication: AdExchanger

One-liner: “Whether we like it or not, Internet users are not seeing all served ads, and we need to find the most accurate way of painting this picture, which admittedly is not pretty.”


Date: January 19, 2012

Author: Mike Shields

Publication: Digiday

One-liner: “The message: We can handle all of your online campaign needs this side of ad serving.”


Date: January 18, 2012

Author: Jason Del Rey

Publication: AdAge

One-liner: “One of the not-so-secret realities of the display-ad world is that a decent chunk of online ads are never viewed by web visitors.”




  1. Not one to blow one's own trumpet, but I also would add this article:

    The Battle for Viewable Impressions

    1. Can't believe I missed this one, since I know I read it...thanks.

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